
La ropa vieja está de moda, el mercado de segunda mano en auge por el cambio de mentalidad

La ropa vieja está de moda, el mercado de segunda mano en auge por el cambio de mentalidad
Derechos de autor Euronews
Derechos de autor Euronews
Por Redacción en español
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Ya no está de moda tirar la ropa usada, ahora lo que se lleva es revenderla o reciclar las fibras si está demasiado gastada para poder ponerla.



OFF: Virginia Sanz is making some space in her wardrobe... to buy some new clothes, Although they are not exactly new... She is one of the many Spaniards who have turned to online second hand platforms as a cheaper and more sustainable way to keep up with fashion.

SOT: Virgina Sanz, second hand fashion user I buy and sell because it is a very easy and simple way for me to empty my wardrobe and it allows me to buy new things on a permanent basis. The money I earn selling clothes I reinvest it in buying new garments and I also think is a very sustainable way. The clothes I am selling will make somebody else happy, and what I get... it also leaves a positive taste in me.

OFF: The second hand market has grown significantly during the pandemic. Online platforms have increased the number of articles listed by 17%. The economic restraints and a change in the perception about fashion is behind this new trend.

SOT: Enrique Jiménez, second hand fashion user

Sometimes we just accumulate so many clothes, that sometimes we leave them unused, even still with their tags on them... And it is really a shame that they will end up in the dust bin.

OFF: Rather than buying new garments that they will wear for a short period and will end up throwing away, consumers are opting for other services, like clothing rentals...

SOT: Mercedes García, Co-founder ECODICTA clothig rentals

The pandemic has been an opportunity for self-discovery. With this service, as you are now buying the clothes directly, you have the opportunity to try different styles and new things, colours that suit you better. From the comfort of your home without any risk... I think that when we get out of all this, we will go back to freedom with new style, with new colours...

PTC: Jaime Velázquez The pandemic has accelerated industry trends. High street brands are now buying used clothes from their customers for discount vouchers to SPEND at their shops, or launching their own second hand and renting services. It's a way to take part in the new fashion circular economy, as consumers continue to champion fairness and social justice.

SOT: Silvia Pérez Bou, ISEM Fashion Business School It's a fashion that is conceived from its origin, according to the principles of the circular economy. Some clear trends? Passing from clothing ownership to new forms of usage. Like renting, susciption or private second hand sales. And the clothing repairs... Now we don't repair things, we throw them away... And this takes us to the end of the garments' life. Once you have resued, repaired or transformed it into new cloths... Then when ther's nothing else you can do, tyou will recycle the fibers and reintroduce them in the production process.

OFF: According to a recent study, the second hand market will grow to almost twice the size of the fast fashion market by 2029. Even at a high street shop, it is likely that your new cloths in 2021 will have a second life.

Fuentes adicionales • Jaime Velázquez/Euronews

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