
Finaliza el Foro de Davos con avances hacia el comercio sostenible y la energía verde

La reunión anual del Foro Económico Mundial se celebró en Davos del 16 hata hoy 20 de enero de 2023.
La reunión anual del Foro Económico Mundial se celebró en Davos del 16 hata hoy 20 de enero de 2023. Derechos de autor AP / Markus Schreiber
Derechos de autor AP / Markus Schreiber
Por Euronews
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La UE y otros veintiséis países lanzaron este jueves en el Foro Económico Mundial de Davos la Coalición de Ministros de Comercio sobre el Clima, con el objetivo de promover políticas comerciales que sirvan para combatir el cambio climático.


El Foro Económico Mundial o simplemente 'Foro de Davos', cuyo lema este año es "Cooperación en un mundo fragmentado", ha finalizado este viernes tras cinco días de reuniones y debates sobre la transición ecológica, la política industrial y la crisis económica desarrollada tras la guerra en Ucrania y la pandemia.

El Foro Económico Mundial concluyó este viernes tras cinco intensos días de ponencias y debates que han visto pasar o participar a distancia a grandes personalidades como Ursula von der Layen, Olaf Scholz, Volodímir Zelenski, John Kerry o António Guterres, entre otros.

En total, más de 50 jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, 19 gobernadores de bancos centrales, 30 ministros de comercio y otros tantos de Exteriores, junto a los máximos dirigentes de Naciones Unidas, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y la Organización Mundial del comercio. Este año hay además un récord de líderes empresariales, con más de 1500 de unas 700 organizaciones.

Esta fue la convertura minuto a minuto de Euronews en el Foro Económico Mundial:

Elites from politics, business, academia and the arts on Friday wrapped up the

The 53rd edition of the weeklong gathering in the Alps drew notables like Ukraine's first lady,

The meeting perennially draws criticism as a hub of power-mongers and money-grubbers seeking to rule the world, and this year was no exception. Longtime attendee and Kremlin critic

Some deep-pocketed execs shell out upward of $1 million a year to be members of the WEF club.

It's anybody's guess whether an event that churns up pledges, promises and partnerships to help realize the forum's ambition of improving the world will bring any concrete progress.

Here's a look at some of the main Davos takeaways this year:


A Ukrainian delegation headed to the Swiss mountains to push for funding, weapons and other aid — capped with President

Zelenskyy urged his allies to speed up the delivery of more advanced weapons in a keynote speech and later gave a veiled critique of major supporters such as Germany and the U.S. that have

“There are times where we shouldn’t hesitate or we shouldn’t compare when someone says, ‘I will give tanks if someone else will also share his tanks,’” said Zelenskyy, who reiterated his plea Friday as

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz — the only leader from the Group of Seven leading economies at Davos — has faced growing pressure to provide Ukraine with tanks but avoided directly answering the question Wednesday.


Germany will remain one of Ukraine’s top weapons suppliers, he said, and “we are never doing something just by ourselves, but together with others — especially the United States.”


While panel sessions spanned topics from

The activists slammed the heavy-hitters at Davos for


She and Thunberg capped the week with a small climate protest Friday where activists hoisted signs saying, “There is no planet B" and chanting that “fossil fuels have got to go." It added a bookend: Dozens of climate activists — some with clown makeup — braved snowfall to demonstrate Sunday.

Even global financial leaders got heated about the climate.

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, when asked for one thing she would change to accelerate the net zero transition, said she would lock the U.S., China, India and European Union in a room.

“Let them out after they sign in blood a commitment to work together to save the planet,” she said to applause.




European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

Some leaders called the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act a catalyst. U.K. opposition leader Keir Starmer says the law is “the single biggest opportunity we’ve been given for a very long time to transition, to take the jobs and opportunities of the future.”


Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in the same session Thursday that the world should be happy after years of telling the U.S. “to step up on climate change.’ Now, they are doing it.”

EU Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis says an EU-U.S. task force has a solution on EV tax credits but “many other areas" must be addressed.

The law doesn’t intend to hurt U.S. allies but get clean technology to scale quickly, Sen. Joe Manchin said.

To calm geopolitical unrest and help the environment, “you better be able to do it quicker, faster and better than any place in the world and then share it with your friends. That’s what we’re going to do,” the West Virginia Democrat said.



Many bigwigs said

The IMF's Georgieva said inflation is heading down and the outlook for the global economy is “less bad than we feared a couple of months ago.” Likewise,

In a panel Friday, both pointed to an


After easing of COVID-19 restrictions, Chinese Vice Premier Liu said the country expects to see a major rise in imports, more investment by companies and return to regular consumption habits over the coming months.

“If we work hard enough, we are confident that in 2023, China’s growth will most likely return to its normal trend," he said Tuesday in an address in Davos.

Many economists had

Speaking to The Associated Press at Davos, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon offered some advice: “The important thing is what is going on in geopolitics around the world, not whether you have a mild recession or harder recession, etc.”

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