
Impresionante demostración de fuerza del movimiento hutí en Saná, a vista de pájaro

Impresionante demostración de fuerza del movimiento hutí en Saná, a vista de pájaro
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Por Euronews
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Aerial footage shot in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, on March 26 shows over one hundred thousand individuals gathered to show their support for the Houthi movement.


Aerial footage shot in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, on March 26 shows over one hundred thousand individuals gathered to show their support for the Houthi movement.

The rally, which took place at the city’s al-Sabin Square, marks two years since the beginning of the Yemeni Civil War.

Houthi leaders, who are allied to Iran, hailed the military might of their forces against the Saudi-led coalition, which seeks to reinstate President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi’s government.

Deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who organised the rally along with his Iranian-backed General People’s Congress (GPC), made a brief appearance, according to Reuters.

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